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For decades, embedding has been the most commonly used technique to represent words, concepts, or tokens in NLP (Natural Language Processing) world. Typically, an embedding model is trained to let them learn frequencies of use of tokens together. The tokens are placed in suitable positions within a multi-dimensional space, where distances reflect the difference or similarity between them.

In computing, computers commonly process the information digitally as bits. Even when emerging new computer system approaches like quantum computing come up, State of the Art of them also needs to convert their outcome into the way digital computers understand. Then, bits come together to form bytes, and bytes create data types such as arrays, integers, and floats. Most of these types are different ways to represent a number, think of, characters in a string are represented with numbers, behind the curtains.

In NLP context, a natural language text string must be defined as tokens at first, then commonly tokens are converted to embedding vectors. Tokens have a corresponding integer ID value, then they are represented as numbers.

From Understanding “tokens” and tokenization in large language models: A token is typically not a word; it could be a smaller unit, like a character or a part of a word, or a larger one like a whole phrase.

LLaMa models use a SentencePiece (SPM) tokenizer.

STAGE 1: Tokenization Diagram Diagram: Tokenization. For the complete diagram, click here.

In our project, we get the userPromptStr prompt string and get token id integers into tokens variable via InferenceEngine.Tokenize(...) method. This method separates the input text and gets corresponding token ids using Model.Vocabulary that has been already loaded from "tokenizer.model" file.

Then, we regenerate our prompt string from token id integers, to cross-check the result.

from cmd/main.go

func main() {
    tokens, err := engine.Tokenize(userPromptStr, true)
    if err != nil {

    appState.promptTokens, appState.promptText = engine.TokenBatchToString(tokens)

As an example, the following prompt will be separated to tokens, and represented as token id's via separatePieces(...) and InferenceEngine.Tokenize(...) functions as following:

Prompt string:

"[INST] <<SYS>>\nYou are Einstein\n<</SYS>>\n\nDescribe your theory. [/INST]"

Separated tokens:

// Array of 31 strings:
"[", "INST", "]", "▁<<", "SY", "S", ">>", "<0x0A>", "You", "▁are", "▁Eins", "tei", 
"n", "<0x0A>", "<<", "/", "SY", "S", ">>", "<0x0A>", "<0x0A>", "Desc", "rib", "e", "▁your", 
"▁theory", ".", "▁[", "/", "INST", "]"

Note that, we've implemented a light version of SentencePiece (SPM) tokenizer. The original one has more complex and optimized algorithm that considers scores of each token in the vocabulary, we don't use the score properties of tokens. This means that, separated outputs of the original SPM tokenizer and our implementation may differ.

Separated tokens (as SentencePiece objects array):

# Array of 32 SentencePiece objects:
[id: 1, "<s>" score: 0.000000, type: CONTROL],
[id: 29961, "[" score: -29702.000000, type: NORMAL], 
[id: 25580, "INST" score: -25321.000000, type: NORMAL], 
[id: 29962, "]" score: -29703.000000, type: NORMAL], 
[id: 3532, "▁<<" score: -3273.000000, type: NORMAL], 
[id: 14816, "SY" score: -14557.000000, type: NORMAL], 
[id: 29903, "S" score: -29644.000000, type: NORMAL], 
[id: 6778, ">>" score: -6519.000000, type: NORMAL], 
[id: 13, "<0x0A>" score: 0.000000, type: BYTE], 
[id: 3492, "You" score: -3233.000000, type: NORMAL], 
[id: 526, "▁are" score: -267.000000, type: NORMAL], 
[id: 16943, "▁Eins" score: -16684.000000, type: NORMAL], 
[id: 15314, "tei" score: -15055.000000, type: NORMAL], 
[id: 29876, "n" score: -29617.000000, type: NORMAL], 
[id: 13, "<0x0A>" score: 0.000000, type: BYTE], 
[id: 9314, "<<" score: -9055.000000, type: NORMAL], 
[id: 29914, "/" score: -29655.000000, type: NORMAL], 
[id: 14816, "SY" score: -14557.000000, type: NORMAL], 
[id: 29903, "S" score: -29644.000000, type: NORMAL], 
[id: 6778, ">>" score: -6519.000000, type: NORMAL], 
[id: 13, "<0x0A>" score: 0.000000, type: BYTE], 
[id: 13, "<0x0A>" score: 0.000000, type: BYTE], 
[id: 19617, "Desc" score: -19358.000000, type: NORMAL], 
[id: 1091, "rib" score: -832.000000, type: NORMAL], 
[id: 29872, "e" score: -29613.000000, type: NORMAL], 
[id: 596, "▁your" score: -337.000000, type: NORMAL], 
[id: 6368, "▁theory" score: -6109.000000, type: NORMAL], 
[id: 29889, "." score: -29630.000000, type: NORMAL], 
[id: 518, "▁[" score: -259.000000, type: NORMAL], 
[id: 29914, "/" score: -29655.000000, type: NORMAL], 
[id: 25580, "INST" score: -25321.000000, type: NORMAL], 
[id: 29962, "]" score: -29703.000000, type: NORMAL]

Note that, at first we had 31 token strings, but now we have 32 SentencePiece objects. Because while tokenizing the string, we have added a <s> BOS(Begin of Sentence) token at the beginning of the sequence: [id: 1, "<s>" score: 0.000000, type: CONTROL]
Also check out the types of the SentencePiece objects, most of them are NORMAL pieces, some of them CONTROL and BYTE pieces. In this example, all of the BYTE pieces are "<0x0A>" correspond to "\n" newline character.
The BYTE pieces are used also to generate emojis. We will discuss further in a dedicated chapter.

Token IDs corresponding each token:

// Array of 32 integers
[1, 29961, 25580, 29962, 3532, 14816, 29903, 6778, 13, 3492, 526, 16943, 15314, 
29876, 13, 9314, 29914, 14816, 29903, 6778, 13, 13, 19617, 1091, 29872, 596, 
6368, 29889, 518, 29914, 25580, 29962]


Now, we have token id integers of our input prompt string. The next is to generate new tokens using this input.