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The entrypoint of backend application is the "main" function in backend/src/main.go.

This function will generate server DTLS certificate, discover local IPs and external IP by asking configured STUN Server, create the conference manager object, start UDP listener, HTTP server with WebSocket for Signaling, then wait for client requests.

2.1. Waiting loop

It starts with creating a wait group, adds threads that needs to be added to the wait list. The waitGroup.Wait() method runs in a loop that waits until waitGroup item count becomes zero, so the process doesn't end.

from backend/src/main.go

func main() {
    waitGroup := new(sync.WaitGroup)

2.2. Loading configuration

Configuration file is loaded from config.yaml.


from backend/src/main.go


2.3. DTLS initialization, generating self-signed certificate

One piece of the process after a client's first request is DTLS Handshake. We will discuss further in chapter 05. DTLS HANDSHAKE

During this handshake process, each peer send their digitally signed certificate each other to identify and prove themselves.

This certifcate is a X.509 certificate. In the DTLS handshake, you can use a pair of private key and public key, which:

  • Previously generated and digitally signed by a known Certificate Authority (keys are stored in disk, database, configuration file, or somewhere in sort of formats)
  • Previously generated and digitally signed by yourself (Self-signed Certificate by 3rd party software like OpenSSL) (keys are stored in disk or database, configuration file, or somewhere in sort of formats)
  • (Our preference) On-the-fly generated and digitally signed by yourself (same principles with Self-signed Certificate) but stored temporarily in RAM, it changes with every start of the application.

from backend/src/main.go


When we go deeper into dtls.Init() function, we find ourselves at "GenerateServerCertificate" function in backend/src/dtls/crypto.go

This function calls generateServerCertificatePrivateKey, which generates a random private key using specified "rand.Reader" (using standard random generator of Go) and sign it using ECDSA - Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm with P-256 (secp256r1) curve.

You can use different random generators (in cryptography, randomness is an important thing, and is your "random number" truly random? See this post). Cryptographic libraries like OpenSSL can generate random values in different way of randomness.

Also we can use different methods to generate private and public keys, but in this project we preferred these options.

from backend/src/dtls/crypto.go

func generateServerCertificatePrivateKey() (*ecdsa.PrivateKey, error) {
    return ecdsa.GenerateKey(elliptic.P256(), rand.Reader)

Now, we have randomly generated private key, and it's signed form (public key) in same object (ecdsa.PrivateKey). We create an X.509 Certificate as byte array, then put them together into a tls.Certificate object.

from backend/src/dtls/crypto.go

    pubKey := &serverCertificatePrivateKey.PublicKey
    template := x509.Certificate{
        SerialNumber: serialNumber,
        Version:      2,
        IsCA:         true,
        Subject: pkix.Name{
            CommonName: "WebRTC-Nuts-and-Bolts",
        NotBefore: time.Now(),
        NotAfter:  time.Now().Add(time.Hour * 24 * 180),

        KeyUsage: x509.KeyUsageKeyEncipherment | x509.KeyUsageDigitalSignature | x509.KeyUsageCertSign,
        ExtKeyUsage: []x509.ExtKeyUsage{
        BasicConstraintsValid: true,

    raw, err := x509.CreateCertificate(rand.Reader, &template, &template, pubKey, serverCertificatePrivateKey)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return &tls.Certificate{
        Certificate: [][]byte{raw},
        PrivateKey:  serverCertificatePrivateKey,
        Leaf:        &template,
    }, nil

We store the generated certificate as global variable, "dtls.ServerCertificate" (*tls.Certificate)

Then, we should get fingerprint hash of this Server Certificate, to use further in SDP generation. We call "GetCertificateFingerprintFromBytes" function in backend/src/dtls/crypto.go

This function takes the byte array consists of certificate content, calculates SHA256 Checksum of it, result will be 32 bytes. Then, it converts this 32 bytes array to string which separated with ":", like "12:B9:B6:79:44:19:52:26:1D:01:63:2B:8B:3C:7D:19:CC:B2:5F:B5:9D:68:94:39:8D:01:D0:7B:40:6E:44:65". We store the result as global variable, "dtls.ServerCertificateFingerprint" (string)

from backend/src/dtls/crypto.go

func GetCertificateFingerprintFromBytes(certificate []byte) string {
    fingerprint := sha256.Sum256(certificate)

    var buf bytes.Buffer
    for i, f := range fingerprint {
        if i > 0 {
            fmt.Fprintf(&buf, ":")
        fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%02X", f)
    return buf.String()


2.4. Gathering local and external IPs

We need to know which IPs (local or external) that our server is reachable on, to use further in SDP generation (candidates part).

from backend/src/main.go

    discoveredServerIPs := discoverServerIPs()
  • Discovery of local IP addresses of available and active network interfaces: Made via "GetLocalIPs" function in backend/src/common/networkutils.go. Due to our application runs in a container, and we didn't configure Docker networking type of container as "host", we can gather only container's network interfaces, not the host machine. Expected output is one IP that in our Docker's subnet, usually starts with 172.

Note: Anyone outside the Docker network (including the host machine itself) cannot reach using this IP address. The other side of Docker networking interface to the host machine has a different gateway IP. But we include it in our result anyway.

  • Including previously configured IP address to the result: In this project, we can't discover our LAN IP by code. So we have a configuration entry "server/udp/dockerHostIp" in backend/config.yml, accessing by "config.Val.Server.UDP.DockerHostIp" global variable. We include it in our result statically, if not empty.

  • Discovery of external (WAN) IP, even if behind NAT. A logical and applicable way to learn our WAN IP (our router's IP open to internet) is to ask someone else outside our network. As there are some globally available free STUN Servers, we can use one which is set up by ourselves; however, it is important that the STUN Server should be outside of our network, we should access it by WAN. We need a STUN (Session Traversal Utilities for NAT) client to speak in STUN protocol, so our project implements it with only required parts (not all STUN messages or attributes implemented).


2.4.1. Using our STUN Client

We create a STUN Client via "NewStunClient" function in backend/src/stun/stunclient.go. This function takes some arguments:

  • serverAddr: Configured STUN Server Address (can be accessed via config.Val.Server.StunServerAddr). Default is "".
  • ufrag: "User fragment" is a string can be considered as "user name" for STUN Server. We generate a random ufrag via "GenerateICEUfrag" function in backend/src/agent/generators.go.
  • pwd: Can be considered as "password" for STUN Server. We generate a random ufrag via "GenerateICEPwd" function in backend/src/agent/generators.go.

from backend/src/stun/stunclient.go

func NewStunClient(serverAddr string, ufrag string, pwd string) *StunClient {
    return &StunClient{
        ServerAddr: serverAddr,
        Ufrag:      ufrag,
        Pwd:        pwd,

We call our STUN Client's Discover() method, then add it to our candidate IP list.

from backend/src/main.go

    mappedAddress, err := stunClient.Discover()

2.4.2. Implementing STUN Protocol (as Client)

STUN packet structure

 0                   1                   2                   3
 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
|0 0|     STUN Message Type     |         Message Length        |
|                         Magic Cookie                          |
|                                                               |
|                     Transaction ID (96 bits)                  |
|                                                               |
|                             Data                              |

Our STUN message struct in backend/src/stun/message.go:

from backend/src/stun/message.go

type Message struct {
    MessageType   MessageType
    TransactionID [TransactionIDSize]byte
    Attributes    map[AttributeType]Attribute
    RawMessage    []byte

As a client, to ask our IP to the server, we should create a STUN Binding Request message and encode it to a byte array.

  • We generate a random 12 bytes (96 bits) Transaction ID via "generateTransactionID" function in backend/src/stun/stunclient.go
  • Create a STUN message with "STUN Message Type" of MessageTypeBindingRequest (consists of Method: MessageMethodStunBinding (0x0001) and Class: MessageClassRequest (0x00)), generated Transaction ID and STUN Magic Cookie (constant value: 0x2112A442).
    You can find:

  • Now, our steps for sending binding request are:

    • We resolve IP address of ServerAddr (with port number)
    • Create binding request message object
    • Encode it into a byte array
      • Before encoding, we call "preEncode" function in backend/src/stun/message.go to remove attributes which has AttrMessageIntegrity and AttrFingerprint types, if exist, then add an attribute which has AttrSoftware type.
      • After encoding, we call "postEncode" function in backend/src/stun/message.go to add attributes which has AttrMessageIntegrity and AttrFingerprint types. While adding these two attributes; we should calculate SHA1 HMAC of the message via "calculateHmac" function using "pwd" value as key to hmac.New, then calculate CRC32 checksum of the message via "calculateFingerprint" function, by crc32.ChecksumIEEE.
    • Start an UDP listener (without specifying any IP or port)
    • Write encoded byte array to STUN Server UDP address via started listener.

from backend/src/stun/stunclient.go

    serverUDPAddr, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp", c.ServerAddr)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
        //return NATError, nil, err
    bindingRequest := createBindingRequest(transactionID)
    encodedBindingRequest := bindingRequest.Encode(c.Pwd)
    conn, err := net.ListenUDP("udp", nil)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    defer conn.Close()
    conn.WriteToUDP(encodedBindingRequest, serverUDPAddr)

After we have sent STUN Binding Request message successfully, we expect that the STUN Server sends us STUN Binding Response.

  • Now, our steps for reading incoming binding response are:
    • Waiting for incoming bytes via conn.ReadFromUDP
    • If any packet was received, we check "is packet's sender our STUN Server?". We ignore any packet from other peers
    • Decode the byte array into "stun.Message" object
    • Calculate HMAC and Fingerprint (CRC32) values and compare with message's AttrMessageIntegrity and AttrFingerprint attributes, via stunMessage.Validate function
    • If message integrity and authorization check succeeded, we decode the attribute that contains result IP address encoded with XOR, via DecodeAttrXorMappedAddress function, and return as result.

from backend/src/stun/stunclient.go

    buf := make([]byte, 1024)

    for {
        bufLen, addr, err := conn.ReadFromUDP(buf)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        // If requested target server address and responder address not fit, ignore the packet
        if !addr.IP.Equal(serverUDPAddr.IP) || addr.Port != serverUDPAddr.Port {
        stunMessage, stunErr := DecodeMessage(buf, 0, bufLen)
        if stunErr != nil {
        stunMessage.Validate(c.Ufrag, c.Pwd)
        if !bytes.Equal(stunMessage.TransactionID[:], transactionID[:]) {
        xorMappedAddressAttr, ok := stunMessage.Attributes[AttrXorMappedAddress]
        if !ok {
        mappedAddress := DecodeAttrXorMappedAddress(xorMappedAddressAttr, stunMessage.TransactionID)
        return mappedAddress, nil

At the end, now we have gathered all available IP addresses.


2.5. Initialize Conference Manager

We create our ConferenceManager object that manages active conferences, server side ICE Agents per conference, and SDP Offer Answers, incoming via signaling WebSocket.

The ConferenceManager has Run() method to listen ChanSdpOffer Go Channel in infinite loop, we call this method as Go Routine, so it runs in parallel thread. We increase waitGroup's waiting list.

from backend/src/main.go

    conferenceManager = conference.NewConferenceManager(discoveredServerIPs, config.Val.Server.UDP.SinglePort)
    go conferenceManager.Run(waitGroup)


2.6. Starting UDP Listener

We create our UdpListener object that starts to listen specified UDP port and process incoming packets.

The UdpListener has Run() method to listen UDP port in infinite loop, we call this method as Go Routine, so it runs in parallel thread. We increase waitGroup's waiting list.

from backend/src/main.go

    var udpListener = udp.NewUdpListener("", config.Val.Server.UDP.SinglePort, conferenceManager)
    go udpListener.Run(waitGroup)

At the "Run" function in backend/src/udp/udpListener.go, we create net.UDPConn object.

  • Now, our steps for reading incoming binding response are:
    • Waiting for incoming bytes via conn.ReadFromUDP
    • Check if the sender IP and port socket known by us, if known, get it as destinationSocket variable
    • Otherwise, if this packet is the first packet coming from the sender, we expect that this packet is STUN Binding Request. If it is, we read it's ufrag value (two ufrags separated by ":", one for client ICE agent, one for server ICE agent), and check if we have a Server ICE Agent with incoming ufrag. Then we check if the client ufrag is known by us (previously came by SDP Offer Answer from the client)
    • If everything is OK, we create an "agent.UDPClientSocket" object and set it to Server ICE Agent's and UDP Listener's sockets map
    • Then, forward incoming packet to the "AddBuffer" function of "agent.UDPClientSocket" (we will discuss further)
    • AddBuffer function acts as demultiplexer for different types of packets (different types of protocols) on same connection.

from backend/src/udp/udpListener.go

    conn, err := net.ListenUDP("udp", &net.UDPAddr{
        IP:   net.IP{0, 0, 0, 0},
        Port: udpListener.Port,


    udpListener.conn = conn

    defer conn.Close()

    for {
        bufLen, addr, err := conn.ReadFromUDP(buf)
        if err == nil {
            // Is the client socket known and authenticated by server before?
            destinationSocket, ok := udpListener.Sockets[string(addr.IP)+":"+string(rune(addr.Port))]

            if !ok {
                // If client socket is not known by server, it can be a STUN binding request.
                // Read the server and client ufrag (user fragment) string concatenated via ":" and split it.
            // Now the client socket is known by server, we forward incoming byte array to our socket object dedicated for the client.
            destinationSocket.AddBuffer(buf, 0, bufLen)


2.7. Starting Signaling HTTP Server

We create our signaling.HttpServer object that starts to listen specified signaling port and process incoming HTTP requests.

The HttpServer has Run() method to listen signaling port in infinite loop, we call this method as Go Routine, so it runs in parallel thread. We increase waitGroup's waiting list.

from backend/src/main.go

    httpServer, err := signaling.NewHttpServer(fmt.Sprintf(":%d", config.Val.Server.Signaling.WsPort), conferenceManager)
    go httpServer.Run(waitGroup)

At the "NewHttpServer" function in backend/src/signaling/httpserver.go, we create signaling.HttpServer object and a signaling.WsHub object that manages WebSocket operations. Also we map "/" and "/ws" path patterns to handler functions.

"/" path for home page placeholder
"/ws" path for WebSocket requests.

from backend/src/signaling/httpserver.go

func NewHttpServer(httpServerAddr string, conferenceManager *conference.ConferenceManager) (*HttpServer, error) {
    wsHub := newWsHub(conferenceManager)

    httpServer := &HttpServer{
        HttpServerAddr: httpServerAddr,
        WsHub:          wsHub,
    http.HandleFunc("/", httpServer.serveHome)
    http.HandleFunc("/ws", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        httpServer.serveWs(w, r)

    return httpServer, nil

At the "Run" function in backend/src/signaling/httpserver.go, we call and http.ListenAndServe to start signaling HTTP server.


Now, our server application is waiting for client interactions on:

  • For signaling requests on WebSocket port 8081 (default)
  • For incoming UDP packets (STUN, DTLS, RTP, RTCP, etc... packets) on port 15000 (default)

We are ready to answer client interactions!